To be a virtual assistant mean you need to be flexible and also capable in various Task that might sound not connected bewteen one and another.

What i can offer in order to Assist you as following:

  1. Social Media Marketing

Is not imaginable a day without social media in now days, the present is very important either in private or in business world. That why I provide following service to assist you.

  • Taking care your Social Media Canal as like in Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest etc.
  • Posting Content on your behalf regularly
  • Arranging the posting timing
  • Managing your Facebook group
  • Managing Facebook or Instagram Advertisement
  1. Website Maintenance

Website maintenance can be very headache when you don’t have enough time. In some aspect me help will reduce your stress a lot.

  • Create Website with WordPress
  • Creating landing pages
  • Website design setting
  • SEO optimation for your site
  • Updates for WordPress and Plugins
  • Setting for the Cookies and DSGVO
  1. E-Commerce
  • Managing your e-commerce account
  • Upload for goods or item to sale
  • Customer Support
  • Create Advertisement etc.
  1. E-mail Marketing
  • Create E-mail templates
  • Create the contain of newsletter
  • Create Graphic for Newslatter or E-Mail
  • Creating Report for E-Mail Marketing
  • Generating Email Address for new leads.
  1. Podcast Service
  • Podcast Transcription
  • Create short text for the Podcast link
  • Upload Podcast to Server
  • Share it in Social Media
  • Create graphic for Social Media
  • Contacting the new Interview Partner.
  1. Translation
  • Website
  • Article
  • Books
  1. Backoffice Task
  • Create Presentation
  • Internet research
  • Correspondents with client or business partner on your behalf
  • Create Invoices
  • Organizational tasks
  • Preparation for and after meetings
  • Create report and documents
  • Controlling for contract and invoices
  • Accounting task
  • Tax Report
  • Preparation for Tax declaration
  • Data acquisition and managing database.
  1. Event and Travel
  • Plan and Itinerary for Business or Private Travel
  • Travel Budgeting
  • Create an Event concept
  • Booking for Event places
  • Controling and Managing the contract for Event
  1. Grafic Design
    • Create Logo or Webbanner
    • Create Infographic
    • Retouch with Photoshop